10k billable ratio bookmarklet

A simple tool to help you understand your current ratio of billable hours in a week, based on your 10,000 feet timesheets.

Follow the install instructions below, then open the 10k tracker and click on the bookmarklet to see a summary of your week.

A screenshot of the 10k app showing the results of running the bookmarklet. An Alert window appears, listing your billable time for the week and for each day as a percentage

Step 1: Copy the code

to your clipboard

Step 2: Ceate a bookmark

Right click in your browser's bookmarks toolbar and click "Add Page".

The bookmarks toolbar right-click menu contains many items. Click the 'Add Page' option.

Give the bookmarklet the name you want, and paste the JavaScript code into the URL field. Click the Save button.

The dialog box to edit a bookmark.

Step 3: Open the 10k tracker and click the bookmarklet

A screenshot of the 10k app showing the results of running the bookmarklet. An Alert window appears, listing your billable time for the week and for each day as a percentage